Jumat, 26 November 2010

Insurance - Career Satisfaction for a Lifetime By Jerry Bateman

WANTED, smart, self motivated, and enthusiastic individuals to serve the public in making wise decisions regarding their insurance needs. Very few individuals actually seek out the business of insurance as a career, it just seems to happen. It happens, because the insurance profession is such a broad field that many of the activities that individuals are looking for in their careers are part of the business of insurance. It is not uncommon to meet high school graduates, college graduates, engineers, doctors, accountants and other educational backgrounds. The profession has room for everyone. The following paragraphs will detail some of the business activities of the insurance profession.

The business of insurance is a very important part of our economic system. Many individuals are looking for careers that will have a valuable impact on our society in the years to come. The insurance profession meets this desire. The most common definition of "insurance" involves the spreading or transferring of risk to an entity that has a much greater ability to pay for the loss. When a family buys a home, chances are they will finance the home with a lender or mortgage holder. They do this because they do not have the money in the bank to pay for the house outright. Insurance is purchased to transfer the risk to the insurance company, so that if the house is destroyed by fire or some other covered peril, the home can be replaced with the insurance proceeds. The importance of insurance can be shown in all walks of life. All kinds of insurance is purchased by families and business owners. Some insurance types include auto, home, marine, liability, life insurance, health insurance, disability income, and long term care insurance, just to name a few.

The business of insurance involves working with families and/or business owners to identify their insurance needs and then develop insurance solutions that best meet the situation of the client. The insurance business can be and often-times will be complex. The insurance professional must learn to systematically assess the situation and determine the correct course of action in identifying the coverage needed. Then the solution is writing the correct policies.

The business of insurance requires smart, self motivated, and enthusiastic individuals. These individuals, whether working for a company or self-employed, will need to plan their work process and then work their plan. If they decide to be self-employed that will still require planning and doing. Also, individuals in insurance will have an unlimited income potential. Additionally, these individuals must be honest, possess integrity, and have the sincere desire to help their prospects and clients achieve their goals. The insurance business is hard work and to be successful the individual must be focused and have the ability to follow through. The person that wants to do something different virtually every day that they work, that must continue to study and learn as issues and concepts change, the insurance field might just be the right profession.

Jerry Bateman is the owner of Financial Coaching, Inc. and co-owner of Bateman Learning, Inc. Jerry has worked in the insurance and financial services industry since 1976. His experience spans several insurance disciplines such as personal and business life insurance planning, long term care insurance, financial planning and ten years as a company representative involved in employee benefits. All of these experiences have lead him to public speaking, seminars, workshops and teaching continuing education to insurance and financial advisors for the last fourteen years. Additionally, he works with business owners and individuals in need of personal and business insurance advice. His websites include http://www.batemanlearning.com and http://www.BecomeAnInsuranceAgent.net and

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jerry_Bateman

Jerry Bateman - EzineArticles Expert Author

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